It was standing room only at the Semans-Griswold Environmental Hall on Friday, February 3rd during the welcome of new Center for Environment and Society Director, Dr. Valerie Imbruce. It was also the stage from which Urban Grid presented their "big check" in support of the Earth Day Jam eRegatta, our own electric boat race being held on April 22nd.
Washington College's Electric Boat Team brought their wooden electric boat to display just outside the lobby of SGEH during the event and to serve as the backdrop for the check presentation as well. Urban Grid has graciously funded 50% of our eRegatta, including the race stage and sound system, pre-race live music, tent, and more. We are excited to see them return on April 22nd to watch the excitement as we demonstrate that clean electric propulsion is a viable alternative to internal combustion engines for many mariners. Thank you, Urban Grid, for your generosity!
